Tuesday, November 23, 2010

In the beginning...

This is the first post of my blog. I decided to write a blog because my life can be pretty interesting at times.

Like today.....

Work was pretty normal. When I got home, my phone died. Should not have left my only charger at my parent's house on Sunday. Oy Vay!

I made chocolate cherry cordials tonight. I was surprised at how easy it was to do. The molds were fantastic and by putting them in the freezer, they hardened faster. I am glad I found a way to satisfy my Christmas candy craving without having to by box after box of candy.

I just bought my boyfriend's Christmas present from a great company online. I am so excited and can not wait for it to arrive in the mail. Executivegiftshoppe.com is a great site and it was so easy to find what I wanted. Now I have to find the rest of the family's Christmas gifts. Don't think I will be doing it on black Friday though. This is the first year I do not have to go out in that crowd. I might even sleep in.

Tomorrow is the last day of work for the week. Get to go home and eat some nice thanksgiving food. Can not wait :)

That's all I got for now. Thinking of cooking my way through the Alpha Sigma Alpha cookbook in the next few months. Any thoughts?